It can take some time for the Blitz wallet to connect to nodes on your first start up. If you have waited a sufficient time ( > 2hrs.) and still are getting no connections, first make sure that you have no firewalls set up blocking the blitz wallet. If you are still running into trouble getting connections, please try the following.

1. Visit our block explorer

2. Click the node list button for your corresponding wallet version

     2a. If you do not know your wallet version. Go to your wallet and click "Help" then "About blitz." The version number will be at the top

3. Highlight and copy all of the nodes listed


4. Open up Notepad and paste the nodes list

5. Save the file as "blitz.conf"

6. Use Search to find your roaming folder "%APPDATA%"

7. Click on the folder named "blitz"

8. Move the blitz.conf file from your Documents folder to the blitz folder

9. Open the blitz wallet and allow it some time to connect


4. Open up TextEdit and paste the nodes list

5. Save the file as "blitz.conf"

6. In finder, click "command + shift + G" at the same time

7. Type "~/Library/Application Support" then click Go

8. Open the blitz folder

9.Move the "blitz.conf" file you created to the blitz folder

10. Open the blitz wallet and allow it some time to connect